Pet News & Resources

There are many things you can know and do to ensure your pet’s move is as stress-free as possible. We’re here to provide the latest pet news and the best resources to help you get ahead of the curve and set up your travel plans today.

Top 4 Pet Friendly UK Cities
Cat Blogs

Top 4 Pet-Friendly UK Cities

Some areas make better places for dogs to live than others.  The United Kingdom is full of energetic and exciting towns and cities where you can explore and take part in several fun festivities with your furry friends. The UK has several dog-friendly bars, restaurants, and plenty of open green space to roam.  Whether you’re looking for a weekend away with your pet or you’re relocating to a UK city for new opportunities, it is

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pets in heat
Cat Blogs

Tips to Help Your Pet Beat the Summer Heat

Summer is finally here! What better time is there to explore the great outdoors with your trusty four-legged friend?  Just like humans need a break from the intense summer heat, your dog does too. To keep your pup healthy, happy, and cool in this hot weather, we recommend you follow these few simple tips and tricks: Don’t Leave Your Pet in the Vehicle As tempting as it is to leave your dog in the passenger

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international pet shipping
Cat Blogs

Updated Airline Restrictions for Emotional Support Animals

Airlines Ban Emotional Support Animals Gone are the days where you could fly freely with your emotional support animal, as most major airlines have recently implemented new federal rules and restrictions that no longer allow them to fly with you.  For years, airline passengers have complained about badly trained and poorly behaved pets that have been cleared to fly as certified emotional support animals, and the Department of Transportation finally cracked down on the issue.

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brexit airline restrictions
Cat Blogs

How To: Travel With Your Pet Post-Brexit

Traveling With Your Pet Post-Brexit Starting January 1, 2021, the Brexit transition period officially concluded, and all of the new changes to pet flight rules and restrictions were officially implemented in full force. After months of back and forth with Brexit negotiations and delays to be able to travel around Europe with your pet, the process still seems as complicated as ever.  Aside from the ongoing pandemic and the complicated process of getting to Great

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Holiday Travel with Airpets America
Cat Blogs

Holiday Travels with Airpets International

For many, the holidays typically include traveling to see your loved ones, or relocating for a new job in the new year. That also means bringing your furry children along for the ride! Safe pet relocations and peace of mind are what Airpets International has been able to continuously provide for pets and their owners during the busy holiday season. Yoshi and Yasmine, one of our many duos of pup siblings, made it to London

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service dog cover photo

Service Animals for Our Veterans

November 11th, Veterans Day, a day where we honor all of the courageous men and women who have served in the Armed Forces. We appreciate and respect the bravery that those serving in the military exude on a day to day basis. But did you know that up to 30% of American military veterans experience some form of mental disability or PTSD upon returning home from combat? It is even more disheartening to learn that

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Cat Travel

Meet Our Pet Pals: Recent Pet Flights With Airpets International

Over the last few months, Airpets America has helped transport some of the most adorable cats, dogs, and a lizard to their new homes or to be reunited with their families. As pet flight restrictions are slowly being lifted around the world, you may be interested in traveling domestically or internationally with your pet again. We invite you to meet some of Airpets America’s most recent pet pals, read about their experience, and learn more

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Cat Travel

Shipping Your Pet – What Happens?

    Most people are unfamiliar with relocating their pet because it’s not something they have to worry about. The thought of putting your pet on a plane can be scary because you aren’t familiar with what actually happens. Here’s what happens from A to Z when you ship with Airpets International:   Review Service Packages:     We offer a wide variety of service packages ranging from door to door to consultation services, specializing in domestic

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International pet transportation pitbull
Dog Travel

How to Transport Your “Aggressive Breed” Dog

For years, “aggressive” dog breeds like pit bulls, Staffordshire Terriers and Rottweilers were almost impossible to transport on flights given their stigma of hostility. So, is it possible to transport ‘aggressive’ breed dogs and if so, how do you do it? First, there is a very important clarification to make: aggressive breeds and aggressive dogs are two entirely different things. Recently, the U.S. Department of Transportation issued a final statement saying that restrictions on service

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pet travel south africa
Dog Shipping

Lushy’s Travels to South Africa

This sweet dog, Lushy, recently traveled to South Africa! She is so happy to be spending all of her time outdoors and exploring new places. Her mom describes Lushy as her best friend, companion, and her protector. The best part of all is that she gets to have her “first times” with Lushy in a very new place for both of them. Lushy’s mom describes her experience with Airpets International as fantastic and as smooth

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We would like to warn our clients about pet scams. If someone has reached out to you claiming to be from Airpets International or claiming to have partnered with Airpets International in regards to selling puppies, it is a scam. Airpets International does NOT sell animals. LEARN MORE