Pet News & Resources

There are many things you can know and do to ensure your pet’s move is as stress-free as possible. We’re here to provide the latest pet news and the best resources to help you get ahead of the curve and set up your travel plans today.

Golden retriever sitting and looking up with a lifted paw.

Older Pet Tips

Everybody gets older every day and that includes your pet. Older pets have different needs than younger ones and here are a few things to take into consideration as your pet gets older. Depending on your pet’s size, health, nutrition, breed and some other factors, their approximate age in human years varies, the following charts published by the American Veterinary Medical Association can give you an estimate.     Regular vet visits. If you’ve had

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We would like to warn our clients about pet scams. If someone has reached out to you claiming to be from Airpets International or claiming to have partnered with Airpets International in regards to selling puppies, it is a scam. Airpets International does NOT sell animals. LEARN MORE