Pet Travel During Holidays

We normally try to avoid pet travel during Holidays as this is a very busy time of year for the airlines. But if you absolutely must ship your pet during the holidays, these are a few tips from our pet travel experts.

  1. Try to extend your holiday a few days to avoid the crowds, sometimes just leaving a day early and coming back a day later can be enough. The number of passengers and baggage drops and so does the airline’s personnel’s stress levels.
  2. Book your pet on those flights that most people think are inconvenient, like late night or super early in the morning. The day of the holiday, like Christmas eve, or New Years Eve, etc.
  3. Have someone who can drop you and your pet off at the airport and someone to pick you up at your destination. Don’t rely on taxis as these may not be pet friendly. If you need a ride to and from the airport, contact our pet travel experts who can provide ground transportation for your pet.
  4. Make sure you have a reservation for your pet. Airlines have very limited space for traveling pets and you don’t want to have to leave your pet behind. A pet travel expert can help out with this one too.
  5. Have a back-up plan for your pets. Weather during this time of year can be unpredictable and if the weather turns too cold, airlines won’t let your pet travel. Having a reliable back up is a must, either book a stay at a pet resort or make sure that friends or family can take care of your pet just in case.


pet travel during holidays: dog wearing a christmas hat in front of a christmas tree


If you need any help booking flights for your pets, ground transportation or a great pet resort where your pets can stay don’t hesitate to call, we are here to help. Happy Holidays!

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Contact one of our specialists or get an estimate to start your journey!    

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We would like to warn our clients about pet scams. If someone has reached out to you claiming to be from Airpets International or claiming to have partnered with Airpets International in regards to selling puppies, it is a scam. Airpets International does NOT sell animals. LEARN MORE